Shower accessories

Making the shower space even more functional is now possible thanks to the various Aquasanit proposals dedicated to the shower. The shower baskets of the Attractive series are available in different shapes and in two finishes: chrome and matt black; in addition, they are made of aluminium guaranteed against rust, which makes them ideal for use in the shower. Wiper series makes cleaning shower enclosure’s walls easier than ever before while Jack hangers are a practical solution to recover functional hooks where necessary.

  • Shower baskets
    <p class="MsoNormal">In order to have a <strong>functional</strong> and <strong>well-organized shower space</strong> it is important to use the right products: Aquasanit shelves are solutions designed to facilitate the <strong>organization of objects</strong> in the shower, without sacrificing style and practicality. The various series cover different needs, shapes and finishes.</p>
  • Wipers
  • Hooks
    <p>La serie di appendiabiti <strong>Jack</strong> è una <strong>soluzione pratica e moderna</strong> utile in qualsiasi bagno. Gli appendiabiti sono realizzati in <strong>resina</strong> e hanno un doppio gancio incorporato. Disponibili in 4 finiture: <strong>trasparente, bianco, blu e fucsia</strong>.</p>
  • Sedie doccia
    <p class="MsoNormal"><strong>Shower chairs</strong> are an optimal solution for <strong>showering in comfort</strong> and <strong>safety</strong>. According to specific needs, a stool with swivel seat and a wider shower chair with backrest and armrests are available, <strong>both adjustable in height</strong> and with <strong>non-slip feet</strong>.</p>

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